The SSSS Perform socially distanced at The Creekbend in Hope. Snow song captures the restorative nature of the winter months.

Super Saturated Sugar Strings collaboration in Cordova, AK with Okaidja Afroso, Momentum Dance Company, and North Star Dance Company.

The Super Saturated Sugar Strings [live] with the Anchorage Civic Orchestra 5/12/2018.

Precipice - Official Music Video by The Super Saturated Sugar Strings Filmed at the Bunnell Arts Center in Homer, Alaska and at Point Woronzof in Anchorage, Alaska by Kevin Co and Cail Hubert. Statues are from the 100 Stone Project by Sarah Davies. Bunnell Art installation by Mandy Bernard.
The Super Saturated Sugar Strings performing in collaboration with James Temte, the Momentum Dance Collective, and Enzina Marrari at the Glenn Massay Theater in Palmer, AK on April 8, 2016 Thanks to Cail Hubert and Jolly Dolly Productions for the videography!